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Can't get Serana to ride a horse?

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I've expanded my Improved Housecarls and Hirelings mod to include horses for all my individual Followers, and have successfully created a Package and Conditions which make them mount and dismount their horses when the Player mounts and dismounts.


The only one who is not participating is Serana, even though her Package and Conditions are identical in every way (Copy/Paste Conditions) to everyone else's.


I made 2 Packages: Mount Horse and Dismount Horse. The Package Template and Public Package Data are UseIdleMarker, with the Linked Ref having the Keyword ActorType Horse.


The Conditions for Mount Horse state:

-Subject : GetInFaction (CurrentFollowerFaction) = 1


-Player : IsRidingMount = 1


While the Conditions for Dismount state:

Subject : IsRidingMount = 1


Player : IsRidingMount = 0


This works for absolutely everyone for whom I've made an owned Horse, except Serana. I've even added the Packages to her Quest Alias in the MentalModel Quest, and have even gone so far as to custom-build one specifically for her which calls her and her horse by name so it can only apply to her, but she still won't saddle-up.


I know Convenient Horses gives her a Summoned horse which she'll ride - my brother (R.I.P.) used that religiously, however, I'd rather not tear someone else's mod apart and "steal their idea" as it were, especially if it's a Script. I mean, that's a valid way to learn, but something about it still creeps me out in some way.


I'm confident I'm on the right track with the Package and Conditions, but I think there's something simple I'm missing, even though everyone's Package is identical.

Edited by DocNewcenstein
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Ok I looked at Convenient Horses, and looking strictly at the Packages and Conditions regarding Serana, I'm not seeing anything wildly different from what I'm doing.


However, I have a hunch that having AI Packages in her AI Packages tab may be conflicting with the Default Package List I gave her, which is where the horse interaction Packages are. I've since added the vanilla AI Packages she came with to the List and removed them from the actual tabbed page. Maybe that will work.

Got some other tweaking to do and running 2 instances of the CK is kinda slow (gotta have hers open as well as the Main esp so I can verify everyone's using identical package data).

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So I've started a New Game, since I've added the Ride Horse packages to her MentalModel Quest, gone through Dawnguard start to finish so she's completely free of that Quest, and the only thing running on her is the Mental Model Quest. I've added all of her Follow package Conditions to the Ride Horse package (Follow Close, Far, Medium, SuperFar) with the correct AND/OR selections so they're not crashing into one another.


She still won't mount a horse.


I gave her the Summon Arvak spell via console. She casts it in battle like a Familiar, but she won't ride it.


I've console-forced her to mount the horse, which she does, and then dismounts as soon as she goes back into Follow mode, which means about 2 seconds after I start riding away. Then, here she comes, running up the road on foot like a 'tard.


I don't get it. Either she's a sentient AI construct that doesn't like horses or there's something hidden in the game or CK that's blocking her from running this one simple Use Idle Marker function.

She'll use everyone else's idle markers - Greybeards' praying markers, Aventus Aretino's stabby-stabby marker, barkeep markers - but she just refuses to ride a friggen horse and I don't understand why.

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Well, it works now. Kinda.


I gave her a Follow Player package with Conditions of:

GetStageDone :: DLC1VQ03Hunter : 30 :: running on Event Data = 1 (this is the part where you have to find the Moth Priest and first get Serana as a follower in Ft Dawngaurd).

GetInFaction :: DLC1SeranaFaction = 1 :: running on Subject

IsRidingMount = 1 :: running on Player

with AND operators on all 3.


Serana will mount a horse when I do, but she has no concept of "personal space"; she redefines "being up one's butt". If you thought she was cat-like before, rubbing up against you in dialog scenes, you should see her on a horse. She's still trying to get right next to you, except there's 2 horses in the way. For about 10 seconds after you dismount, she's got her horse all over you. However, after that she'll stop moving completely.


Which is where the "kinda" comes in: she won't dismount until you tell her to do something, or use UFO's "Train some, you are weak" option. After that she's on foot and following normally. She also won't follow you if you're on foot and she's on the horse.


While it's functional, it's not as smooth as it should be, like everyone else's, where they dismount a few seconds after the player dismounts. Although to be fair, once you get 4 or 5 followers, one or two might bug out and require "Training" to correct. Still, more often than not, they behave themselves, whereas Serana is 10-for-10 on needing to be told to get off her high horse.


And of course she's already got a Follow Player package as part of the Mental Model quest, so she's a sentient AI construct with 2 sets of instructions. What could possibly go wrong.

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