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What controls how much you get back from scrapping?


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It seems that items that cost only 1 of a resource when scrapped return 0 items back despite changing the global scaling variables for scrapping. Anyone know where that is controlled? Is it a script or built into the gaming engine?

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Did you try changing all of the ModScrapScalar_xxx globals? There are 9 in total (though some don't seem to be used), and since some of them are referenced by "PerksQuest" (and there is a perk that increases the yield from scrapping) that makes me think they are used for determining values. If you did change them all, do you have that perk? If so, it probably is using the value set by the perk instead of the initial one set by the global you set in your mod. Following the references, it looks like fixing that would require you to either remove the perk from your char (might not change the global back, I'd lean towards not), make a new "quest" that changes the values, or set the values in-game using the console.


Since the perks that affect scrapping yields (the various "Scrapper" perks) all seem to point to one of two "quests" (PerksQuest [] for the first two, and DLC03MQ00 [xx001b3e] for the third, which was added by Far Harbor), and those quests mention the ModScrapScalar_ globals, I think those are definitely what control things. And looking at the quest records, it seems changing what values they set things at would require editing some scripts/making new ones.


If you want to make a mod to do this, I would recommend making a new script/"quest", one that either runs when you first install it or one linked to a chem, that triggers when used, as they are part of fairly large, important "quests".


If you just want to make the change for your own game, I'd recommend using console commands. What I got to work was:


set xxx to __


where xxx is the name of the global and __ is the multiplier. So "set ModScrapScalar_rare to 10" means you get 5 times as many "rare" resources back from scrapping it than you would use to craft it. I recommend using 2 if you want the full return, as there seems to be a .5 multiplier that is unrelated to any of the globals I can find. Use


help scrap 3


to get a list of the relevant global variables.


Can't figure out how to affect the return for non-component items (for things that require specific things, like fusion cores or batteries, as a recipe item. That seems to be hit by that same universal .5 multiplier that I can't locate, and not touched by any of the ones you can change.



The info for the existing scripts used by the base game/DLC:









for the base game (Scrapper perk level 1 and 2) and Far Harbor (Scrapper level 3) respectively.


You might be able to get around it entirely by making separate "scrap" recipes for the things, I'm pretty sure the yield on those is the same as the values you put int the COBJ record. The only problem is, while you can still build it (as long as you didn't touch the main COBJ record), you won't be able to move it after scrapping unless you use Place Everywhere.

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Well, the main reason I asked about this is the mod I have to scrap and create power frames. Seems you can scrap the world "yellow" ones but the "green" character placed ones when scrapped yield 0. I tried to edit all those globals with very little luck.

Edited by pvpxan
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The reason for that is (assuming it's the one I remember), those ones use a "token" of some sort, so it falls under the "non-component items" thing I mentioned, which I couldn't find a multiplier for, and is still subject to the universal 0.5 multiplier I couldn't figure out how to change.


You could try the other method I mentioned (last paragraph), pretty sure that's the only way you can deal with that (unless someone is able to figure out how to change that hidden multiplier, but that might actually be hard-coded, I have no idea).

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After some more digging, I'm now certain that the only way to manage what you want is to make a scrap recipe for the frame, and use Place Everywhere if you want to be able to move them. It will definitely work, but without Place Everywhere it won't be movable, no matter what order you have the scrap and crafting recipes.


There is a global that should affect the fraction of non-component items you get (ScrapItemScalar), but it doesn't seem to actually be implemented. And I checked all the scripts, the way the other scalars are used isn't set in any of them, so you couldn't even use a script to fix it.

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