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Need some help with a script; object references aren't moving when moveTo is used


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I have a script that's essentially a flight mod for morrowind-style levitation that uses a pair of invisible "stepping stones" as a means of making an invisible floating bridge beneath the player that essentially lets them "walk on air" or at least appear to.


I have 2 static objects, a pair of re-textured (or rather un-textured, via the null texture set) circular rugs. The script is supposed to call them, one by one, to the player and set their rotation and angle local to the player's.


When the player crouches, the script stops its "update" loop and the rugs should be disabled.


Here's the script:

Scriptname _YetAnotherFlightAttempt extends activemagiceffect  

ObjectReference Property FlyingCarpetA  Auto                ;these two contain the invisible rugs (round rugs with the null texture set put on their meshes; they are static objects)

ObjectReference Property FlyingCarpetB  Auto  

ObjectReference Property LoadedCarpet Auto                ;the carpet that is currently set to be moved and tilted by the script

Actor Property ThePlayer  Auto                                ;the Player

int SwitchInt                                                    ;This int is for a sort of switch that lets you move the two rugs/platforms independantly of one another when used in conjunction with an update and a conditional statement (an "if" statement)

float space    ;distance between the player and the loaded rug.

Function SetLocalAngle(Float LocalX, Float LocalY, Float LocalZ)

    float AngleX = LocalX * Math.Cos(LocalZ) + LocalY * Math.Sin(LocalZ)

    float AngleY = LocalY * Math.Cos(LocalZ) - LocalX * Math.Sin(LocalZ)

    LoadedCarpet.SetAngle(AngleX, AngleY, LocalZ)

EndFunction                                                    ;THIS FUNCTION IS VERY IMPORTANT. It sets the rug's heading local to the players.

EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    SwitchInt = 1     ;sets the switch to one, so it has something to start at


    FlyingCarpetB.enable()     ;turns the rugs on

    LoadedCarpet = FlyingCarpetA     ;setting this before everything else as a sort of "fail safe" when it comes to which rug is the current one.

    RegisterForUpdate(0.1)   ;starts the loop


EVENT onUpdate()

    space = LoadedCarpet.getDistance(ThePlayer)    ;shows the distance between the player and the loaded rug

if (!ThePlayer.isSneaking())     ;makes sure you're not sneaking

    if (space < 80 && space > 70)    ;checks distance

        if (SwitchInt == 1)    ;the switch

            LoadedCarpet = FlyingCarpetA    ;a bit redundant, I suppose, but it might help a confused script

            LoadedCarpet.moveto(ThePlayer)    ;SHOULD move it to the player

            SetLocalAngle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)    ;levels it out in case it's angles are weird

            LoadedCarpet.SetPosition(ThePlayer.GetPositionX(), ThePlayer.GetPositionY(), ThePlayer.GetPositionZ() - 15)    ;sets position to the player 

            SetLocalAngle(ThePlayer.GetAngleX(), 0, ThePlayer.GetAngleZ())     ;sets the angle local to the player

            SwitchInt = 2    ;DID YOU. JUST FLIP. MY SWITCH?

            RegisterForUpdate(0.1)   ;loop

        elseIf (SwitchInt == 2)     ;see the stuff above.

            LoadedCarpet = FlyingCarpetB


            SetLocalAngle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

            LoadedCarpet.SetPosition(ThePlayer.GetPositionX(), ThePlayer.GetPositionY(), ThePlayer.GetPositionZ() - 15)

            SetLocalAngle(ThePlayer.GetAngleX(), 0, ThePlayer.GetAngleZ())

            SwitchInt = 1




    elseIf (ThePlayer.isSneaking())







The issue is this: the rugs won't move.


At all.


Even when the player is in the same cell as them.


I even added their old, regular textures back (making them visible again) to see if they were even moving at all.


They're not.


Also, all the properties are filled out; I've checked, and both the rugs have a unique reference ID, namely FlyingCarpetA and FlyingCarpetB, and I did manually fill the properties, all of the ones that needed filling (the carpets, and the player), in the magic effect's properties window.


If anyone can offer some help here, I'd appreciate it.

Edited by ZeroCore
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