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Game CTD can't figure out why?


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So I play on one save file with no problems, switch to another save file with the same mods installed and the game starts randomly crashing. Create a new character with the same play style and start having the same problems. I know I can't get specific help without showing my installed mods but I have a lot of mods (well over a hundred). I'm basically just trying to find some ways to figure out whats wrong because I don't even know how to look for the problem. I do know that the problem is not the memory blocks filling because I've already used the SKSE patch to expand the block and I checked the logs and sometimes it crashes when I've only hit 85 mb.

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1.have you used loot to sort your load order?

2.are you using Bashed patch and merged patch?

3.You can also see if there are any "orange" mods when you open wrye bash

4.Is there specific pattern in the crashes,for example are they happening at the same time or in certain erias

5.Have that started happening when you installed certain mod because you said you have over 100 mods presuming that you installed them one by one or have you installed a bunch of them like i usually do ;) ?

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