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Lower health, less slashing



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you install this mod (if it is to be codded by someone) / or at least do you think it's a nice idea?

    • Yes, it would be awesome (and I would at least give it a try).
    • Yes, but I wouldn't install it.
    • No, it would change the combat too much for me to be comfortable.
    • No, I like it this way and I don't see any reason for it to change.

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As I said in the title I believe that the player and also the enemies have too much health (or in reverse, weapons and spells deal too little damage). You have to slash your enemies (for example a human with a really bad armor) quite a few times to kill him/her. I think that it would be better if it was more realistic. Rather than having to hit so many times as if you're holding a stick instead of a sword or having to burn your enemy for half a minute, it would be better if it took less time. Also the player should have less health too so that it's balanced.

A mod which automatically halved the life points of everything would be nice (so that new modded enemies will get the effect too).


I'm sorry if this was already modded, but after searching google and the nexus' mods I couldn't find something like this.


Thanks for reading, I hope someone will mod something like this. :)


Edit: Thanks to Scribblesix, I was a le to understand this would make the combat last too short. So the mod should also change the blocking and the armor systems and add a blocking ability to dual wielding. When you block the attack should be fully blocked rather than just the damage decreasing. The armor should affect the strikes more. For example if you're wearing chainmail or platemail armor sideways slashing shouldn't do much damage (like 50% damage in order to make using the correct attacks more rewarding) , only a piercing attack should hit with nearly full strength (still decreased but a lot less decreased).

Edited by Orion97
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I think that you neec to think about what your asking for here... should people be able to shrug off weapon hits? obviously no but should combat last for seconds? again, obviously no. The trouble is that skyrim does a very por job of simulating combat; parry and reposte have been replaced by damage meters. So one needs to find a way to make 'wounds' more dangerous without making combat instananeous. Perhaps increase armor's utility, make it able to deflect not just degenerate hits, block or at least the shield version would need to be considerably improved and maybe a dual wielding block implemented.
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Wow, that was fast :).

-iamthefritch, I understand you, I'm not that good either, but I still think it would be better if the swords didn't feel that dull or the spells didn't feel that weak. When I get hit, I would rather care that I got hit rather than just continue fighting like nothing happened. To be honest I'm not playing on the hardest difficulty, but if I was playing on the hardest difficulty I would get really annoyed by the combat.

-Scribblesix, thanks for saying that, I had totally forgotten that. I think the same way too, the blocking and the armor systems aren't really that good. Well, they're fun but they wouldn't work in what I'm suggesting. As you said, this mod should change them too. Like what you said, a shield should not just decrease the damage, it should actually block it. For dual wielding, since the game came out I really didn't like the idea of not blocking but having double the damage output. I want to use two swords as a style rather than to double my damege. Rather than hitting really strong but hitting in a way that it's harder to block and also to be able to block the opponent's sword by countering it with my strike. That should be changed to. I don't want the combat to end in a few seconds either, I want the combat to feel more satisfying and make actually hitting the enemy rather than missing or getting blocked feel better than just something you do a thousand times in a row. Thanks for reminding me of this :).

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A list of global changes I am tentatively planning. Will affect both player and NPC:


-Regular attacks use more stamina

-Double stamina requirement for power attacks

-Double stamina requirement for shield bash/parry

-Increase stamina cost of blocking hits

-Double weapon damage

-Max of 100% effectiveness for blocking and 90% effectiveness for parry

-Greatly reduce shield bash reach

-slightly reduce weapon reach

-Reduce max armor rating

-Introduce new combat styles. Light armored enemies will move more, and heavy armored ones will block and bash much more.

-Greatly increase magic dmg and Ward values so mages parallel weapon changes.




-Implement script to check periodically if the player is below max health & in combat

-If both are true, the player has a chance of gaining a "wound" (actually a debuffing disease to avoid messing with permanent actor values.) This will force players to care about being wounded in combat, and keep shields up.



I know some mods do some of these. But they also increase stamina regen. Some also reduce stamina cost for some things. I want to force NPC's and the player to pace their actions, block and attack carefully, and make sure they have/create openings, as opposed to simply mashing buttons. Make combat strategic.


Lastly, these are tentative plans. I know much of this can be done with the new CK. However, this is a new scripting language and I am not certain of its abilities. Just throwing this out there in case others are interested in a similar, more dangerous combat overhaul.

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Great :), thanks for posting this here. I think it will be great and it looks like what I wanted. I would like to suggest a few changes though (or maybe optional to add features). I think that you shouldn't directly change the weapon's damage. If you can make it so it runs right after all the weapon and spell mods are installed and changes the damage at that time so that the mods will get affected too. I'm not a modder or programmer, I want to be, but I don't know any programming language or anything (I got lazy and bored when I tried, but I'm going to learn soon, I hope) so I don't know how it would work but it's best if you make it so modded weapons get effected too. I also think that you should add a block-like feature to dual wielding or at the least make it so you can parry. Make it so you can parry and don't make it stupidly hard to do but make it so it still requires a lot of skill to do. Also I think that making different attacks having different levels of damage for armor would be great. In a real fight, metal armor (chainmail or platemail) wouldn't be too much affected by a slashing attack, but can be pierced with a piercing attack and smashed with a mace.


As I said, I don't think that dual wielding just means double the damage output and no defense. I think it is a different style of fighting (and probably the dual wielding is like this because of the consoles, not enough buttons).


English isn't my first language. So, I'm sorry if some parts didn't make sense or weren't easy to understand. Also, I suck at writing. :)


It's great that someone else was actually thinking of the same thing I was, thanks again for posting this.


Edit: Also another (maybe) great idea: The longer you press the mouse button the more stamina it takes and the more damage is given. So, you can hit a lot but weak attacks or you can hit hard but slower. It would let the players choose which way they would like to play (and also let you do awesome stuff like parry the enemies sword with a strong strike and quickly slash away at this face).

Edited by Orion97
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This sounds like a massive balance headache, seeing as how the PC can quaff pots till the cow comes home whenever he takes damage that isn't of the 1-hit kill variety. Sounds like it would be infinitely easier to kill the enemy and just as hard as it's always been to kill us.
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-fraquar Sorry, but I don't see why it wouldn't make it easier for us to die? If you could explain it a little more, I would appreciate it. For potions, I don't think that's an important problem, to be honest I couldn't come up with a way to solve that after thinking for a minute or two but I'm sure there is a way to nerf health potions or change something about them so that they aren't too overpowered. In my opinion it's not really that important because this is going to be a mod if BlackCompany (he isn't exactly going to code this, but he is going to code something like this, which plained on his post) codes it (or someone else who knows how to and wants to code it. It isn't an official part of the game. It's optional, so why block someone from doing something rather than just telling them that it will make it imbalanced and it won't be as intended if they use potions to that extent, but they can if that's what they want to do? It's up to the player to do whatever he wishes, right?


Edit: It's not supposed to be 1-hit kills, more like 3-4 hit kills (I'm not sure about that amount, maybe less than that), but the point in the fights is going to be breaking through the enemies defense. So there will be a lot of blocking and parrying. (At least that's what I would like to see)

Edited by Orion97
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