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Random CTDs getting more frequent, mod load order advice?


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Hey guys, fired up Skyrim again this week. It crashed a couple times over the first few days, and I don't mind that, but now it's happening a lot more often and it's making the game unplayable. Crashes seem to stop when I turn everything off except skyui, minimal HUD, iNeed, and AoT, but I'd really like to keep all of the other mods I have checked in the mod list. I used LOOT to get this order. The only thing I can think of that has possibly made a difference since those first few days is the fact that I installed these mods on Skyrim on my laptop as well and played a while on it. Some of the UI stuff wasn't where it usually was, I assume because of the different resolution, but other than that it was fine. Crashes are only happening on my desktop.




Desktop specs:

Intel i5-3450 3.10 GHz

Radeon R9 290x 4GB


Windows 7 Home Premium


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