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Can't take items from containers or bodies


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Dear all,


I just started playing the game and I already have a problem. Simply put, it seems that I cannot pick items from containers or dead bodies (while I have no problem with items that are outside containers).


I can open the containers/bodies; I can see the items, but I cannot take or equip them! Interestingly, when I open the very first container (the one that as soon as I enter the keep with the guard who takes off my restrains, I am asked to use to equip myself with weapons and armor) by clicking equip I can see my character putting on the boots or the armor, but these items still appear in that container, even after I close and reopen it, while they don't appear in my inventory! This doesn't seem to be the case with the subsequent containers and bodies in this level. With the rest, I simply cannot take anything from them. Furthermore, in none of the above cases, can I place items I already posses in these containers.


I have already added a few mods from this site. However, at least according to TesModManager and the mods' descriptions, none appear to be in conflict. I have also downloaded the latest game patch from Steam (1.4. something - that beta or RC one).


I have restarted a new game twice, even with some UI mods turned off, but the problem remains. I don't want to continue playing before this issue is resolved.


Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.



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