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an Idea For Death alternetive


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I was thinking that if you die dependign on your fame or infamy diffrent things would happen. if you go to Heaven or Hell "Atherius and Oblivion or Paradise and Oblivion. or if a certain factor comes in to play you go to Sithis. i'm not sure about that part though. and if you have fame equal to your infamy you will visit the Bridge of Pergetory or you'll come back as a form of undead. at any time you should have the chance to fight for your soul or earn it back in some way to come back to life and i highly doubt this last part but would it be possible to make (Unique Non respawning) NPC's go to the respective realms depending on these factors or go through the changes?i just thought of an Ethereal City idea for heavon to make it intresting have them set up comunity there. i dont knwo who would be guards for Heaven but Dremora would be the Guards of the Oblivion City that's what i have so far
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