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Insert script variable into topic speech


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You cannot have a variable in dialog per-say in that the subtitles would show the variable value, or the player option would be "X Number of Caps". The reason is that all dialog is recorded voice files that have to be done beforehand, and then synced with .lip files to move the mouth. Obviously altering the number would require every possible variation to be recorded, and the game would need some way to determine what number is being used and what file to play. At that point, it's easier to just make a group of predetermined dialog, and have different options for each one.


There is however, a beginning and ending script for every dialog topic. Scripts can do all kinds of things (check out CRAFT for more on that), and you could go so far as to open a message box from the dialog option of an NPC saying something like "You'll need to give me some caps before I'll consider that", then have the ending script calculate the actual cap count, and display a message box that shows the amount and gives an option for yes/no. This might end the dialog sequence with the NPC though, so not sure how it would affect things.


tl;dr No, variables cannot be used in dialog, but you can use vague wording and then scripts to handle the variable.

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