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Mod Request Bane Mask


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So I was wearing Letho's armour by L0rd0fWar and by also being extremely hyped for The Dark Knight Rises and seeing similarities between Letho and bane like armour and stuff and size.

I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to have like, bane's mask form TDKR. Here are some photo's to give people an idea for how it would look in game for those that haven't seen it yet.









I think it would look pretty menacing in-game :biggrin:

Edited by njits
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I like this idea for the batman mod, if that is going on still? Imagine the villain for the quest having this mask (a mediavel version of course, not a gas dispenser like in modern batman, but something metal and similar looking).


Batman is timeless and would work in ES great.

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Right!? It would look super cool, and I think it could work as some sort of old dwemer device (gasmask). But its actually not a gasmask in the usual kind of way, in the movie Bane get injured some time in his life

and because of that he's in constant pain. The mask pumps out some sort of morphine/painkiller like gas, in that way he can endure the pain and live normally. It also made him almost immune to pain :)

Edited by njits
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