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Make body sliders for existing CBBE armor.


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This is probably really simple, but I've been trying off and on for about 2 years, using internet resources. I finally care enough to ask, now.


Is there a way to make a set of body sliders for an existing CBBE armor? I know for, say 7B, it's super easy: Outfit Studio --> New Project --> Select either 7B Low or High to CBBE --> select the correct armor (_0 for low, _1 for high) --> conform slider --> slide --> load reference CBBE --> save --> done. However, there isn't a slider to convert CBBE Low/High to a "generic" CBBE shape for use with sliders.

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I was hoping for something a bit more precise and less time consuming than sculpting by hand. As it is, it's easier for me to convert UNP which also produces a set of sliders. MUCH easier. I have difficulty believing that there isn't a better way. I also have tried making my own reference, by the way, but that, so far, hasn't actually worked out either.

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