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Vex causes CTD...wherever she is...


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As the title said, in my game, despite never having met her (which seems obvious in retrospect), Vex in the Ragged Flagon causes a crash CTD.


At first, I thought this was an issue with that individual cell....except removing Vex allows me to enter in the cell fine. And using the console to transport to my current cell, or spawn a new one, causes a crash.


Furthermore, it doesn't seem like disabling all the mods affecting Vex makes any discernable difference (courtesy of TES5Edit)--I only had two in the first place, the Unofficial Skyrim patch, and an appearance mod. Can anyone offer a way to fix this?


EDIT: Doh, it was Vex. Specifically, something altering her armor (not her appearance). Figures I post about it finally, then solve the issue ten minutes later.

Edited by Synthesis
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