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Two Minor things (atleast i think they are)


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i was wondering if anyone could make two mods that


1: Disable Chemeloon/Invisibility Refraction (meaning that your completely visible or atleast change it to give an Ethereal Effect i tried to do this mysellf but i couldnt find the refraction settings)


2: Make it so NPC's dont unequip armour after a while i am constently being annoyd by my companions in armour (Using Talki Tosters Mod) when i leave them for a certain amount of tiem i come back and they'r stark naked same goes for the Glenver Castle Staff because apperently theyr stout Clothing is Light Armour

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1: I wouldn't have the slightest idea - sorry.


2: It's very easy to prefend them from removing armor when they go asleep, eating etc. Or you could disable all of the AI on a specific NPC, except for the daily routine/stay at editor spot one.


This way they're a bit like zombies (mindless) But very useful for Toastie's.

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Go into the Glenvar castle ESP (Through CS) And delete each of the AI the staff has, except for stay at Editor Spot. then place them infront of the Throne. so you always know where to find them (I'd back up the esp before doing this though :D)
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