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Replacing Perk Selection Music


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Hi there. So I've tried replacing a couple of the little tunes that play when you select a new perk, using a mod that removes the music altogether as a framework(sounds pretty silly now, doesn't it?). I replaced two of the .xwm files in the mod with my own .xwm files that had the level up music I want to hear, and deleted the third one so that I could hear one of the normal ones occasionally. However, upon installing this package to my game, I hear silence rather than my new themes, and the one I let be untouched still plays sometimes as well. Of course, I figured I just installed the wrong package, so I repacked a mod with the sounds I wanted to hear, deleted the original version with silent .xwm files, and reinstalled my little mod. Still nothing, and, in fact, I still get nothing when I uninstall the mod in Wrye Flash! Yet, this same process worked when I changed a couple of the death music files. I'm baffled. Help?


The mod I mentioned:



I should point out, I am certain that I installed the correct file with music rather than blank audio files - the one I have installed is 462 KB, whereas the original mod is only 5.54 KB.

Edited by Manan6619
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