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Alduin's Bane Major Glitch!!! Idle Vision


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When I read the Elder Scroll at the Time Wound the I am teleported and the vision begins, but that is the end of it. The exact description of my issue is identical to the issue described below from a wiki site. I have found several supposid fixes, but none work. I am 115 hours into the game and fear i have to start all over. please assist.


1. Restarting the game - FAIL! Does not work


2. Don's touch anything until you hear them say "Alduin is attacking". (No such audio occurs, cannot change view from looking down the rocky path towards the red sky.) no controls respond except the ESC key and the console ~ button.



info below provided from: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alduin's_Bane


Sometimes after you read the Elder Scroll you will see into the past but nothing will happen. Your character will just stand there looking down a rocky path towards the red sky. You will hear and feel the dragons flying around but no dragon will land, no fighting will occur and there will be no dialogue. This glitch may occur after the three Nord heros talk about the Elder Scroll and say Alduin is coming. Alduin will fly around but not land making it impossible to continue. Restarting the game seem to fix this.

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I am also having this issue, i read the scroll and the flashback starts, but no dragon lands and i am unable to move.


I have even gone so far as to take the save file and re-install the game with no mods, still the problem persists. The only thing i have not tried is re-installing without putting the save files back in. I would prefer to not do that though seeing as i already have more than 25 hours in playtime and i want to see how the main story progresses.

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  • 4 months later...

I get the same error as you two.


For some reason using the console command tfc just before being warped by the scroll made me able to move my camera like normal without the command still being triggered when I arrive (is this the same for you?) -- I think it also causes a glitch though where you cannot swing your weapons until you reboot the game. This happens even if you load an earlier save.


You guys can use tfc to examine the cutscene as I have (after warping to avoid the glitch), but so far nothing I have done has worked. I have tried killing the flying dragon with the kill command, killing adventurers (they go down on one knee), and resurrecting all npcs in the cutscene. No dice.


I wonder if this is related to the Esbern glitch where Esbern does not talk, and therefore, does not open his door. That was caused by missing audiofiles for him, preventing the script from activating. It could be that in this cutscene, the actors missing audio files stops events from triggering.


What version do you two have? Maybe it is version-specific. I have 1.5.24.

Edited by NEMESISD
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use "enableplayercontrols" and run around. maybe thatll work?


Thank you for that command. I have given you my kudos. While enableplayercontrols did not completely fix the movement issue, it allowed me to test scenarios. I also used rimodcf for visibility.


Apparently, the actors are missing their voice files, and are completely incapable of retaliating when hit. They go down on one knee and get back up after being killed, and always return to the spots where they typically stand in the glitched cutscene. They can grunt and turn hostile on the map, though.


The dragon can be baited into fighting and retaliates (I had to use the laser-like Midas' frost beam to hit him reliably), but triggers nothing when killed and never talks.


I also want to add that no matter where or in what save I read the scroll, I still get teleported to the glitched cut-scene.

Edited by NEMESISD
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use "enableplayercontrols" and run around. maybe thatll work?


Thank you for that command. I have given you my kudos. While enableplayercontrols did not completely fix the movement issue, it allowed me to test scenarios. I also used rimodcf for visibility.


Apparently, the actors are missing their voice files, and are completely incapable of retaliating when hit. They go down on one knee and get back up after being killed, and always return to the spots where they typically stand in the glitched cutscene. They can grunt and turn hostile on the map, though.


The dragon can be baited into fighting and retaliates (I had to use the laser-like Midas' frost beam to hit him reliably), but triggers nothing when killed and never talks.


I also want to add that no matter where or in what save I read the scroll, I still get teleported to the glitched cut-scene.


oh? hmm... reinstall? only thing i can think of... mod conflict, maybe? im not an expert at modding, but it sounds like you have a mod conflict or a mod that a mod manager didnt install/uninstall correctly or that is conflicting with another mod... i havent even played the game all the way through yet tho, so dont give it all away! lol. i just got it a week or two ago and ive been mixing it in with tons of other games i just got. if you DO end up reinstalling, youll have to uninstall your mods first, reinstall, then reinstall the mods. idk. NMM broke my game the first day i used it, so....... i had to reinstall and use wrye bash til i realized NMM wasnt uninstalling my mods when i told it to, they just disappeared from its list. i hope you get it up and running. NO CLUE why the game is acting up...


and ive the enableplayercontrols since morrowind. lol

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use "enableplayercontrols" and run around. maybe thatll work?


Thank you for that command. I have given you my kudos. While enableplayercontrols did not completely fix the movement issue, it allowed me to test scenarios. I also used rimodcf for visibility.


Apparently, the actors are missing their voice files, and are completely incapable of retaliating when hit. They go down on one knee and get back up after being killed, and always return to the spots where they typically stand in the glitched cutscene. They can grunt and turn hostile on the map, though.


The dragon can be baited into fighting and retaliates (I had to use the laser-like Midas' frost beam to hit him reliably), but triggers nothing when killed and never talks.


I also want to add that no matter where or in what save I read the scroll, I still get teleported to the glitched cut-scene.


oh? hmm... reinstall? only thing i can think of... mod conflict, maybe? im not an expert at modding, but it sounds like you have a mod conflict or a mod that a mod manager didnt install/uninstall correctly or that is conflicting with another mod... i havent even played the game all the way through yet tho, so dont give it all away! lol. i just got it a week or two ago and ive been mixing it in with tons of other games i just got. if you DO end up reinstalling, youll have to uninstall your mods first, reinstall, then reinstall the mods. idk. NMM broke my game the first day i used it, so....... i had to reinstall and use wrye bash til i realized NMM wasnt uninstalling my mods when i told it to, they just disappeared from its list. i hope you get it up and running. NO CLUE why the game is acting up...


and ive the enableplayercontrols since morrowind. lol


I see. I had never learned that command back then.


God, I really don't want to re-install. I have so many mods installed in the correct order too... though Nexus Mod Manager has been working well for me. It once and a while messes up an uninstall, but then I re-install the mod and uninstall it. That usually works.


I do not think this is a mod problem, though. I had encountered people with this problem many times on different forums and it always persists without mods. They say to read the scroll in a different location and sleep 24 hours makes the scene work, but no matter where the scroll is read, it still sends me to the throat of the world.


Maybe if I teleport to whiterun right after reading the scroll, wait 24 hours, travel to the throat and then re-read the scroll it will trigger. If that does not work, I think I am missing the heroes' voice files or scripting. Does anyone know what the heroes' files are called and where they are located?

Edited by NEMESISD
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Type these commands and it will get you out of the vision and give you Dragonrend.


setstage mq206 70

setstage mq206 100


The glitch doesn't always happen but when it does it seems there is no other way to get through it other then the 2 commands I posted.


Hope this helps. :thumbsup:

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I remember a friend of mine had this exact same problem shortly after Skyrim launched, and he did manage to fix it, but unfortunately I don't recall how - all that I remember is that he didn't have to reinstall and that it was not a mod issue. Hope that will help some of you narrow down a solution, sorry I couldn't be of more help. DigiGuy's suggestion seems like a great idea as well, so try that if you haven't already. :)
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