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Cool enemy A.I mod ?


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I just wanna find some mod that makes the combat of the A.I better, smarter. I find it too easy to use Shouts and push the enemy away, like they don't know how to deal with that. Even with mages, they don't use ward to block my spell/shout, I just want to them put 24/24 ward to fight against me or something like that and I have to find a way to defeat them.
So what mod can do this, I am intending to download Enhanced Enemy AI Reborn but idk what will it do.

Edited by DanielDatDang
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OBIS 5/5/5 config

patrols mods obis included

dead is dead or death is death I never remember, with death alternative

nokillmoves against the player (otherwise you will get killed for stupid reasons)


combat fatigue

combat surrender

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

wrye bash edit or else more brains to allow more actors to fight

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Combat evolved. Wards are used a lot more so you'll have to do some timing, that issue is addressed. Most of the suggestions above don't address AI becoming smarter or better, and the one that does is might be bloatware iirc.

Thanks. I will try out Combat Evolved.

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