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clicking sart goes to desktop


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installed the OOOv1.33 which I converted to omod using OMM and installed it using omm, when I try to start the game it flashes to black just like usual but then crashes straight to the desktop with no kind of error message. I have disabled the few other mods I have so they shouldn't be a problem but what else could it be? :confused:
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Personally I'd advise you to start a new game with OOO, I've been messing around with it for some time too. Concluding I couldn't convert it with Wrye bash. Or atleast, It was very hard to do so.

You could also install Franceso's. That doesn't need a new game start :)

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I've narrowed it down to two .esp's in OOO that are causing the problems so I have attached a screenshot of one of them and the other one is the same exceptit is "Harvest (Flora)-DLCFrostcraig.esp" and also states that it is not active even though I have it checked in the data files.If I turn them off one at a time the game still crashes but if both are turned off the game will start and so far seems to work OK. The plugins are related tp two mods added by OOO the wizards lair and Frostcraig.
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