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Disable the use of srimpak on downed companions.

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I think it's because Dogmeat's healrate was 75 (default in CK) in my savegame, so I had to make changes through the console (setav healrate 0) on it's ID. Now it's OK, no health regen.

That's actually good to know. I'll take a closer look at the actorvalues.. I may have missed something.



My "fix" patch to that simply attaches a small script to that restore effect that jiggles the NoBleedRecovery switch a bit. If it's set to true, companions recover on their own, so the stim gives them about 10 seconds of autorecover power. That does work.

When the script will be ready, I'd like to try it. But I change almost everything in the game and I'm afraid that there may be conflicts. As for now, I can "lower" the health of a companion after Stim-revival, by stabbing him with a knife, just a little. A bit rude :pinch:


My patch for No Limb Regen is here. You'll also need his original mod, but that will fix the downed bug.


I've written my own version of pseudo-FNV Survival limb care and am currently testing it. I'll probably release it this weekend.


And what about health? Anyway, too hard for me, I don't know how to make scripts. Will use Sleep Doesn't Heal for now :ermm:

That trick doesn't touch general health. Health restores as normal (though that could be easily prevented as well).


Internally, player health is mostly stored as seven data points: left and right legs, left and right arms, head, torso, and general health. The no-sleep-limb-heal trick only caches the first six values.

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you'll find the stimpak under potions, open it then open restore health

So that's where they are all. Potion. I always found food and chem through the "Filter". I remember, in GECK for F3 it was under "Ingestible". I thought they forgot to create a special section.



add a condition to it that checks to see if the player is the one using the stimpak, this will make it so it won't heal anyone except the player, or if you want the changes to only effect the companions, do a faction check to see if they aren't in the companion faction.

For me it was a surprise yesterday, that it's just not possible to turn off limb healing with Stims easily. I tried not "Player", but "Actor". We are all "players". Now I can turn off the limbs healing.



Not sure if that would actually stop the companions from getting fully healed, that may be something thats been done within the script itself (oh player used a stimpack on me, so I'll fully heal!), but I know it will work on general npc's when they use stimpaks.

It possible. I'll look again later. I feel that the solution is somewhere near



That's actually good to know. I'll take a closer look at the actorvalues.. I may have missed something.

I guess If we make some changes to existing in our savegame NCP, they will not be accepted by the game until we use "ressurect" command to it's ID. Or It is necessary to make changes via console (change specific parameter).



My patch for No Limb Regen is here. You'll also need his original mod, but that will fix the downed bug.

I tried "No Limb Regen Hardcore" - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3075


If my ESP-file loaded prior "No Limb Regen.esp", Stimpak will not heal limbs and revive a companion, but health will be restored. So I need to enter "SetUnconscious" command (1 and then 0) to revive him. It's not bad, but in this case, all NPC will not use Stims at all! If file "No Limb Regen.esp" loaded prior my file, this mod will not work.


With your patch Stim can revive a companion, but it doesn't look like NPC are using Stims (raiders etc.).


Also I tried "Survival Medkits" mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13466

Works with my ESP. I quickly tested and looks like it works. Stims do not heal limbs, but they can revive companioins (with 100% instant healing).



That trick doesn't touch general health. Health restores as normal (though that could be easily prevented as well).

It must be done :smile:



Internally, player health is mostly stored as seven data points: left and right legs, left and right arms, head, torso, and general health. The no-sleep-limb-heal trick only caches the first six values.

That's why this modification contains two files (sdh.esp and sdh - Main.ba2)...

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My patch for No Limb Regen is here. You'll also need his original mod, but that will fix the downed bug.

I tried "No Limb Regen Hardcore" - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3075


If my ESP-file loaded prior "No Limb Regen.esp", Stimpak will not heal limbs and revive a companion, but health will be restored. So I need to enter "SetUnconscious" command (1 and then 0) to revive him. It's not bad, but in this case, all NPC will not use Stims at all! If file "No Limb Regen.esp" loaded prior my file, this mod will not work.


With your patch Stim can revive a companion, but it doesn't look like NPC are using Stims (raiders etc.).


My NLR patch isn't the auto-stim one. That's "Companion Heal Thyself". They're separate mods.


But CHT doesn't give the ability to ALL NPCs. I thought about it, but attaching an OnHit() event script to each and every running NPC seemed like nothing but trouble.

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You can also give companion perk, that has Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude and Mod Incoming Spell Duration. Then in conditions you can modify where you want it to apply, you can make it apply to stimpaks only and when companion is bleeding out etc, how you want.

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  • 8 months later...

I found a simple solution. It is necessary to add something like this to the Stimpak:


Works on Piper, who have 90 HP points (fixed) in my case. Instead of CompanionPiper, I guess I can set CompanionFaction.

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