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Problems with MATSO enb


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Hey there :)


I have a problem with the MATSO enb (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25451/?). I install it exactly how the forum post on that page describes it and it will ONLY work if I set forcefakevideocard=true. I use a GTX960. Only problem so far is the fact, that the moon is casting sunshafts and godrays.


Im a bit overwhelmed as I dont exactly know what Im doing and what causes this bug.


Everything is nice with the fakevideocard: https://i.imgur.com/7D3clqd.jpg I really love the dark and melancholic feel.


When I set it to false, everything turns to vanilla.


Drivers are up to date, etc. I use the outdated 0.119 of enb, maybe it is incompatible with my graphic card? I also turned of DoF in the ini and use Dynavision.


Or maybe you can suggest me a similar enb like MATSO which uses a more recent, more compatible version of enb? (If that is what causes this bug)


Thank you! :)

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