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Star Wars Inspired


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If it'd be the OR setting, I see no reason not to include a Sith city.


If it was NR or GCW, that'd be more of a problem for the Sith since they don't really have enough members to make an organized city after they're defeated by the Republic.

Perhaps someone should contact whoever made magicka sabers and whatever that force power mod was, and see if they'd be totally against some kind of complilation in the future.

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If it was me modding skyrim this is what I would do for light sabers


1.change the texture of one of the great swords to a more light saber look

2.make the enchantment "10% chance to instantly kill" like on mehunes razor (idk the correct spelling) 100%

3. make different colored ones through out the game


good ideas huh

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  • 2 months later...

How about a whole world with a main quest and side quests (shivering isles like) taking place on the moon or something and you'd discover the force and the dragon powers are linked very closely so you being a jedi (or sith) and a dovakiin and whatever else you are wouldn't be too much but have a logical reason behind it (as I so often find in all those games where you're just overpowered compared to NPCs without a reason) maybe in the end you'd have this new player home on the moon and have a nice view of Tamriel or something (and also have a teleportation device to get to that place from anywhere in Skyrim).

It'd also need all sorts of armors (those samurai imperial suits would be awesome), weapons, miscs, terrain, areas, vehicles (maybe ?), if an arena gets out there maybe another one special SW where U'd fight all sorts of aliens, factions (jedi/sith/mercenary and U'd have to chose and if you go for one faction only some options would be available and different options for other factions etc...) and choices leading to irreversible consequences would be awesome (I'm starting to be rly exited here XD), oh! it'd be great if we could get some voice actors in there ... err more ideas might come later =p

I'm not a modder myself but I realize it'd be a really huge mod and don't expect to see it any-time soon but posting anyway so all those great modders out there can think about it. :wink:


wow maybe I should have organised that a bit =/ sry

Edited by D339F2057
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