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Healrate limits Healrate multi uses


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Can anyone tell me if the entries in heal/magic/stamina regen on the racial tab if set below the 1% value (.0075 for instance,) are disabled or just effectively. Currently with these values sleeping for a week had no effect. with 1/10 higher values sleeping for a day has a visible effect on the health bar which implies to me that a 1/10 value would require 10 days to be noticable on the same level. But it's not playing out that way.



It is suprisingly hard to make npc's regen things super slow in this game!


So if I want it that low would it be possible to achieve the same results through the healrate multipliers in game settings, or would they simply be multiplying ZERO?


Adding/removing multipliers from a base .01 or higher doesn't work so far as the levels are high enough that the first in game bonus from anything shoots the healrate so far out of sync with it's base that it no longer really even appears slow whatsoever.


I really need to get these values down to a level where healing would take a week+ even with a single (food or w/e,) multiplier. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


List of factors I am aware of. Game settings, race tab, foods, misc mgef from spells gear racials etc. If there is anything I am missing here I would be grateful to be told about it!


Thank you!

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