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Weapon Range Frustration, need guidance

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I figured out a long time ago that the .50 caliber rifle was a waste of time. No matter what one does, the range of the weapon never exceeds that of the .308 caliber rifle.


Being a life long and practiced user of rifles, I decided I needed to fix this shortfall (the pun is deliberate). So I took to my trusty CK and modified the range of the weapon. I got the range up to 17500 and still, nothing changed. Then, I took a look at the .50 caliber ammo itself. I found that the .308 and the .50 calibers both used the same projectile record. So I created my own projectile record for the .50 caliber and doubled the range in the projectile record.


Excited and expecting a better range, I went to the shore by Revere Station (there is a chair on the shore north of the lifeguard stand) and took aim at the light over the walkway to the first set of boats. I fired and was immediately disappointed. No hit. Thinking I did something wrong, I moved closer and fired again. It wasn't until I was in the range of the .308 that I hit the light.


So I need help. Is there any other place besides the projectile record and the weapon definition itself that will affect the maximum range of a weapon? I checked the global variables and found nothing.

Edited by PoorlyAged
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