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DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript is rampant, I'm not even IN Nuka-World, please make it stop


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Pretty much ever since I got Nuka-World, whether I had just one or two mods running or the roughly 70 I've got going now, if I my game crashed it would be for one of two reasons: 1, infinite loading screen because I was out of memory, or 2, I CTD and look at Papyrus and see that the last full second of running game contains about ten to fifteen instances of:

    [ (060379F8)].DLC04:DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript.PlayAnimationAndWait() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ (060379F8)].DLC04:DLC04_GZNukaGalaxySignScript.active.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[03/20/2017 - 11:40:35PM] error: (060379F8): model was not loaded when we tried to play an animation on it (most likely you're calling for animations in OnInit.).

Does anybody know of a way to fix this? Is there something someone could tell me to do to the script (and also tell me what program I need to download to open said script)? Does the model need to be replaced? Could I do something in FO4Edit to disable the reference or remove the script or something? What is the issue here and how do I make it stop, because I haven't been to Nuka-World in in-game weeks; like, I've completely done Far Harbor since the last time I traveled there. I think Nuka-World is fun and I like all the stuff it adds, and I'd hate to have to remove it and all the mods dependent on it because my latest save will now CTD with this Papyrus-jamming message about five seconds after I load it, even if I'm just trying to improve Bunker Hill. Yes, I'm in the Commonwealth, I'm nowhere near Nuka-Galaxy so why is this even an issue right now? (Also, I paid money for it, so I'd like it to function.)


I don't use NMM, just Wrye Bash and LOOT and WinRAR. I don't have any texture packs or weather packs or overhauls. I don't have any UI changes, aside from KeyNuker and that PA aspect ratio fix because my original PA HUD wouldn't let me see my health bar, and I couldn't pick locks at all because the lock, pin, and screwdriver never showed up on my screen. Basically all the mods I have add more weapons or armor, more stuff to build, let me do more stuff with robots, or give me more/improved settlers. I don't have a single thing that touches either this script, or the model in question (Meshes\DLC04\Architecture\GalacticZone\Custom\GalNukaGalaxyRocketProp\GalNukaGalaxyRocketProp01.nif, there's also a [all that].hkx and I have no idea what that even is.)


I'm not sure if it's significant but I've noticed that I can't get near any exterior cell touched by Nuka-World unless I'm in PA. Interior cells are fine, but if I exit my PA in the Nuka worldspace, or anywhere near the transit center (or Reynold's Refuge added by Recruitable Settlers, which is set in the Commonwealth but has some Nuka resources, although apparently Lockjaw's Shack was fine), I CTD instantly.

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Okay, the first obvious question is this, since I did not see this posted and if I missed it, please accept my most humble of apologies.


Do you have any mods that are NOT updated to Nuka-World? There are some mods that I had that were not and I did not think it would cause a CTD ... but it did. From talking to other couple of gamer's, they were not surprised and when I updated ALL my mods to most current version, the Nuka-World CTD stopped.


Hope this helps or triggers and idea.


.. Jj ...

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I'm working on updating all of my mods, but so far I still have the crashies every time I try to work on Bunker Hill. Checking my Papyrus on a new save, pretty much everything in it is Nuka World related. Short version, over 3000 lines in four hours of gameplay--which seems amazingly tame now that I think about it--and nearly all of it is the game freaking out because the Nuka World MQ hasn't started / the radio station isn't playing. (I haven't left Sanctuary yet, I got mad and spawned a lot of building materials to try to get it back to what it was on my previous save.)


So I don't know what crawled up Nuka World's keister but apparently it hates me.

	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[04/04/2017 - 02:16:34AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "<unknown file>" Line ?
[04/04/2017 - 02:16:34AM] error: Cannot call GetStageDone() on a None object, aborting function call
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  • 1 month later...

Pretty much all the DLC04 errors in Papyrus are common, as in everyone has them. Particularly about the "startup" of the mod.


I haven't seen the sign one above, but that could be caused by one of your settlement mods making a duplicate of that item for you to build, and having that script loosely loaded with it or packed in that mods bsa, which could be outdated/broken etc.


Mostly if it is logged in the papyrus log, its rare that said thing crashed the game. Regarding these errors, you'd probably still have them in your current savegame even if say UFO4P fixed them, until you started a new game.


PS> hkx file is the animation/havok file.

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Thanks for the info. I still haven't narrowed down what exactly is causing it, as I haven't been able to 100% reproduce any of the crashes. I ditched the mod called "Extended weapon mods" due to a number of the more recent comments claiming it was causing crashes. I haven't had time to test yet, but hoping that will solve the problem.

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  • 1 month later...
There is something wrong with the starting stages of that quest, I think it's mostly harmless but would be nice if it stopped spamming. I'm sure I saw UFO4P talking about this, whether they fixed it yet or not idk. I'll try to take a look at that script at some point when I'm cleaning things up.
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  • 1 year later...

I've found not necessarily a solution, but at least a temporary source:

Recently I added some Nuka World decorations to my settlement at Red Rocket Truck Stop- some Nuka Girl cutouts and whatnot. After THAT save, I could not go back to Red Rocket for the same CTD you've been experiencing. The save RIGHT BEFORE though, does not exhibit the same crash. I don't know why, but that's at least what I've discovered.

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