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Terminals and text replacement?


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So I thought it would be nice to tell the players how many of the objects they had, so I made a global var to store the value in, added the var to a script attached to the terminal, fill the var when they access the terminal, however, on the terminal its not doing the replacement and I'm literally getting printed on the screen:


You currently have <Global=vcTotalItemCount> circuits of <Global=vcNeededItemCount>


From my understanding you didn't need a quest for globals as text replacements.


Anyone know how to fix this?

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just for giggles i double checked to make sure I didn't make a typo in the global name, so, I copied my global name from the global var, went back into my script, pasted it in, reset the property values, same issue, so it wasn't a minor typo.

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okay problem solved - even for global vars you will need a quest attached to the terminal it seems, fiddled with it some more and its working properly, seems kinda backwards to need a quest in order to pull the value of a global but... bethesda.

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I would have mentioned using a quest but seem to have forgotten about seeing your post a day or so ago. I've been using a variable to populate the player's on beds and in notes using a quest, so it makes sense the same would be true for terminals.


Well I can understand it when working with normal vars, but globals... needing a quest to access globals kinda kills them being globals.

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You do not need a quest to access globals. I did this via AddTextReplacementData() in a fragment some time ago.


In the terminal should be an item-text like


You currently have <Token.Value=vcTotalItemCount> circuits of <Token.Value=vcNeededItemCount>


and a fragment which basically does


akTerminalRef.AddTextReplacementData("vcTotalItemCount", vcTotalItemCount)

akTerminalRef.AddTextReplacementData("vcNeededItemCount", vcNeededItemCount)

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I'll have to look at AddTextReplacementData, thought that was persistant, i.e. you add vcTotalItemCount and you can not update the replacement text. This is why I was using a global, so it could be updated on the fly and change the text on the active terminal screen.

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