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Populated Mod


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Yes pls! I hope someone does a "good version" of this. But not just throws a bunch of NPC's everywhere. The game feels waaaay to empty. It feels like the total population of Skyrim is about 200 people. That has always really been an immersion killer for me.
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Ideas to make the crowded/populated cities/roads more immersive.


Once the roads are populated/crowded:


- Thieves randomly robbing travelers on the roads.

- Moving horse and carts on the roads, maybe the ability to ride on the back of one.

- Calvary :D

- Imperial/Stormcloak checkpoints.

- Maybe some comes running from off the road after being attacked by bandits, opportunity to help/rob the bandits back/kill survivor.





- Hopefully someone would be able to script movement patterns for NPC's; for example, like a current in a river, circling around the paths in the cities.

- Random rumours and merchants selling stolen gear, requiring help with bandits, etc.

- Guard patrols.



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Hi guys, I like the idea and think it will be one of my first projects.

Certainly society in Skyrim has not vitality, there are shops and are you the only buyer.

But I do not like the idea that there are NPCs that roam the city without doing anything, as in Assassin's Creed.

Cities in Skyrim are mostly outposts, I would not like to see them busy as during the sales.

Another thing to think about is that every NPC has its home. If you add NPCs you have to add housing and jobs.

I think I will be working on a mod that increases the exchanges between cities.

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I must say that it would be great to see people wandering around the roads so you don't feel so lonely. However, for the cities, I think you guys must think that this game is an emulation of the celtic comunities. It's true that there were celtic cities, or viking cities if you prefer (actually, the vikings were a celtic tribe), that had 40.000 habitants, but that wasn't the rule. Most of them were small comunities. I think that Solitude or Windhelm could be a little more crowded for they're the most important cities, but the rest of them are currently alright.
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or perhaps make new small towns with travelers that stop by.

and theres no need to make houses for everyone.

just make some characters named "warrior", "traveler", "merchant", "adventurer" or w/e and make a script for them to walk around the whole skyrim. thats what they did in oblivion.

Edited by espadaxin2
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