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Quick question


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Yep, I use TESsnip (from FOMM) to copy/paste-combine small mods. You open the mods you want to combine in TESsnip; and then, into one of them, just copy and paste the record groups of the other mods; then use Sanitize under spells, having the plugin you pasted stuff into highlighted; and finally, still having the same plugin highlighted, save it under a new name.


For bigger mods, with a lot of different sub records that would be tedious to copy/paste by hand, you can use ElminsterAU's FO3Edit (although I haven't for Skyrim, but it should work). Here's a thread about it: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/100779-merging-mods/.

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I intend to make a mod and hopefully have others help me work on it, I intend to link other world spaces through the use of scripts embedded in a questline. So really this will definitely be useful so everyone can design those different areas :D
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