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Feedback! Going to make animations mods


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Yo! I'm an animator, not one that imports mocap or other animations (that's not animating), and I plan on redoing,changing,tweaking,adding ect the current animations of skyrim. Like finishers, adding more emotions in conversations with better facial expressions,body language ect ect. I am generally awaiting the CK to come out so I don't have to use 2-3 different programs just to get an animation ingame. I'm new to animating for Elder scrolls, but as much as I play skyrim I'm tired of seeing some poorly done animations. I mean the guys have years to polish up their work and its sad to see the quality. Granted most of it is Mocap, but those that aren't I am disappointed. This is just my own personal opinion do to my mentors at my animating school and their quality of work ie. Pixar,dreamworks,disney ect ect.


Anyways, I'd like to have the communities feedback on my previous animations to know rather or not my work will be a welcomed change.


some of my work, old and new--> www.youtube.com/wolf103085

All my work is done by hand.


Thanks gents!

Edited by SonOfAnarchy13
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The one that sticks in my craw is Cicero... he's all over the place vocally and he's in a damn Jester outfit, but stands STOCK STILL. Creeps me right the hell out. Actually, a wider variety of idle animations while talking would be fantastic... it's a vast improvement over Oblivion but still the visual image of people standing still while talking just bugs me.
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On the topic of animations and finishing moves, daggers need new ones as when you decapitate with them the blade is about 5inches from their neck.

Also was thinking about these the other day and perhaps something with dual wielding, like a quick flurry of 3-4 attacks?

One Idea, using with dual swords:

Knee strike with right hand, enemy falls to knee, then left slash, right slash, spins around and does a double slash in the space of two seconds (on NPCs)

Or with an maybe just one single handed weapon or a two handed weapon, the player goes low slicing through the stomach, enemy falls to ground and the player does a two handed raising the sword in a stabbing motion and stabs then once slowly while they are on the ground

Edited by thelonewarrior
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Im always happy to see someone doing animations, i love them...loved the ones for oblivion.


Always appreciate greatly when someone makes them and i completely agree this game needs more animations, not only for combat but also for immersion...some of the animation like npc have i would love to be able to use, but also some new anims.


Im probably going to be jumped for saying this but i loved the bathing mod for oblivion, or the sitting mod...or animations when eating, drinking (i know they are in game, just saying), or anims when you are hurt...not standing there like a stomp, you are probably going to go more for the combat and face animations, still im happy.


I am looking forward to see your mod. :thumbsup:

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finishing moves could use some more work imo. The weapons move after you have just impaled some bandit. And when I say move I mean move sideways. I'd like the weapons to be more firmly stuck inside the bodies of enemies. I don't know much about animations though. It could be near to impossible to do that. All but 2 or three finishing moves could use work, at least from a noob's perspective.


Also about the daggers: I'd only like to slice throats with the sharp edge of the dagger not the back edge.

Edited by babis8142
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Im always happy to see someone doing animations, i love them...loved the ones for oblivion.


Always appreciate greatly when someone makes them and i completely agree this game needs more animations, not only for combat but also for immersion...some of the animation like npc have i would love to be able to use, but also some new anims.


Im probably going to be jumped for saying this but i loved the bathing mod for oblivion, or the sitting mod...or animations when eating, drinking (i know they are in game, just saying), or anims when you are hurt...not standing there like a stomp, you are probably going to go more for the combat and face animations, still im happy.


I am looking forward to see your mod. :thumbsup:

I very much agree with this. I want to see more of the less spectacular stuff, that adds to the feeling and immersion of the game. Like a guy fishing with one of the poles that's already in the game. Or someone rowing a boat on one of the lakes or rivers. Or people arm wrestling or playing dice at the local inn. Things along those lines.


Also, a lot of people would like spears and thrown weapons in the game, and that would need new animations.

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The one that sticks in my craw is Cicero... he's all over the place vocally and he's in a damn Jester outfit, but stands STOCK STILL. Creeps me right the hell out. Actually, a wider variety of idle animations while talking would be fantastic... it's a vast improvement over Oblivion but still the visual image of people standing still while talking just bugs me.


In general, my school is pretty much film based animating so there is a lot of acting needed at the end of the course so with that I want to make conversations more emotional, so like Cicero, I would make new animations for him seeming more...crazy and all over the place with his movments. But yes diff that bugged the hell ouit of me as well. I want to make the game feel more alive.



On the topic of animations and finishing moves, daggers need new ones as when you decapitate with them the blade is about 5inches from their neck.

Also was thinking about these the other day and perhaps something with dual wielding, like a quick flurry of 3-4 attacks?

One Idea, using with dual swords:

Knee strike with right hand, enemy falls to knee, then left slash, right slash, spins around and does a double slash in the space of two seconds (on NPCs)

Or with an maybe just one single handed weapon or a two handed weapon, the player goes low slicing through the stomach, enemy falls to ground and the player does a two handed raising the sword in a stabbing motion and stabs then once slowly while they are on the ground



Yes sir I agree, I want to add new finishers and tweak correct ones to not...play so fast and look...well shitty. Considering they have a guy that worked at dream works, i'm rather disappointed in the quality of some of the work.

Edited by SonOfAnarchy13
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