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Placible Static/NPC's/specail Portal hub


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Would it be possible to make anability tio add a static/object/NPC to the invintory to pick up the Pbject/NPC wor whatever and have it as a misc item in the invintory useful for specaiol decerating. prehaps it can just make a copy of the target instead of picking it up for obvious reasons. i also saw someone who maneged to put an NPC as an invintory item so that might be a good resource to check out. also would it be possible to make a series of Mages guild partals placable that would all lead to a hub of some kind with somthing to exicute the action of adding the respective portals tot he hub?


I found the movable static! here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng8qGahZoEY


now i just need to know how it was done

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I found the movable static! here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng8qGahZoEY


now i just need to know how it was done

You can't really do anything with statics since there is no way in game to detect one other than using console and clicking on it. The example provided is an activator which is specially scripted, paired with a corpse that is either an inventory item in and of itself, or is just a zombie corpse that is specially scripted. The key here is that it requires special scripting to have that sort of functionallity on whatever you're wanting to pickup and move, and requires a specific inventory item which is linked to that specific thing to put it back down. Even using OBSE, and limiting it to just NPCs, and activators, this would not easily be done, and would probably have some very severe limitations if you wanted it to apply to anything non-specific, or wasn't pre-planned for that mod.

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