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[LE] Getting cubemaps to work on some models

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I've noticed that a few models I've downloaded aren't using their cubemaps properly.


My first problem are the swords in this one:


The two-handed sword for example displays the cubemap just fine in NifSkope, but it doesn't work in the game. I even tried making the sword_d.dds completely black and the sword_m.dds completely white. Reflects like a mirror in NifSkope, but apart from the gloss effect, the weapon is completely black in the game (and yes, I've tried very brightly colored cubemaps just to be sure).

Using the same method (black "_d"-file, white "_m"-file), the armor works completely fine though, I can almost count the pixels on the cubemap.


I've compared the armor with the sword in NifSkope and changed all flags that make sense. I even changed those that didn't make sense. Still, the sword reflects in NifSkope, but not in the game while the armor reflects in both.

Any idea what is going on there?


EDIT: Found the issue. The cubemap the sword uses isn't a proper cubemap. Problem solved.



Then there is this helmet:


Doesn't work in the game, doesn't work in NifSkope. Of course I've changed the Shader Type to "Environment Map" and added the Shader Flag "SLSF1_Environment_Mapping" ("SLSF2_EnvMap_Light_Fade" was already set) and so on. Like with the sword and armor mentioned above, I compared it with another model and changed everything, just to be sure.

Any ideas?

Edited by rattenfleisch
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Double check the cubemap is on the right location in data folder, shader type is enviroment map, the enviroment flag is set, glow flag is unset (they are incompatible) and eviroment map scale in the bslightingshader property is not 0.

what compression are you using on both the enviroment mask and the cubemap? Dxt1 on both should be ok.

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Double check the cubemap is on the right location in data folder,




shader type is enviroment map,




the enviroment flag is set,

You mean "SLSF1_Environment_Mapping"? It is set. I've also set "SLSF2_EnvMap_Light_Fade", just to be sure. Am I missing one?



glow flag is unset (they are incompatible)




and eviroment map scale in the bslightingshader property is not 0.




what compression are you using on both the enviroment mask and the cubemap? Dxt1 on both should be ok.

The cubemap is fine (works on other models). I've made the environment mask a few times and I'm sure it was uncompressed at one point and DXT5 on another. I've done both the sword and the armor in one go and while the armor worked, the sword didn't (well, it did in NifSkope but not in the game, as mentioned in the original post).

So I'm pretty sure this is not the issue there. I have edited many textures and never ran into problems. Well, except the examples mentioned above. So I'm quite sure it is something about the model itself.




While the issue remains for the helmet, I've found out what is wrong with the sword. The cubemap isn't a proper cubemap. Interestingly, it is being loaded in NifSkope, but not in the game.

So the sword problem is solved, but the helmet remains.

Edited by rattenfleisch
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Yes, "SLSF1_Environment_Mapping" is the important one, i'm not entirely sure what "SLSF2_EnvMap_Light_Fade" does actually, add it just in case lol.


Enviromask should be DXT1 not DXT5 (uncompressed is not really going to make a huge difference for it) and DXT5 would add an unnecessary alpha channel.


I could give it a look if you don't mind uploading the files.

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I could give it a look if you don't mind uploading the files.

I would upload it, but I don't see the point because the file is already uploaded here on Nexus ("LOTR Arnor Numenor Helmet" - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48926/?). All I did was changing Shader Type, setting a Shader Flag and changing the Environment Map Scale. I think it makes more sense to start from the "clean" upload my grubby fingers haven't been all over already. ;-P

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Ok, downloaded it, the errors (to have working enviroment effect) i see in that mesh are:


- Shader type => Change to enviroment map

- Shader flag =>Add SLSF1_Environment_Mapping

- Enviroment scale is 0 => Set to 1

- Texture paths are on the wrong slots => both enviroment and enviroment mask should be moved one slot below

- Overall the values for specular strength and lighting effects are a bit extreme


Just in case, do a Spells > Batch > Update all tangent spaces


If all fails i'd copy the bslightingshaderproperty from a vanilla armor with enviroment effect

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- Texture paths are on the wrong slots => both enviroment and enviroment mask should be moved one slot below

Ah, that's the thing I have missed all the time. Thanks a lot, works fine now.



- Overall the values for specular strength and lighting effects are a bit extreme

Yeah, I guess this was done to compensate for the lacking environmental mapping.



Anyway, thanks a lot for the help. Now I can finally give my character an outfit that is visually consistent.

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