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Mod Request: "Cry For Help!" *Immersion*


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Hello... :smile:


I would love to see a mod that allows the player to 'cry (YELL) for help', which would allow Guards/NPC's (within a certain radius) to hear your player calling for help, and thus come running to assist the player (or attack, depending on their faction) when the player is overwhelmed with attackers... Or is just 'crying wolf'. :smile:


Of course, it could also be used to ambush nearby NPC's/guards, and lure them away for more sinister purposes... :smile:


It's sort of like the 'throw voice' shout, but it calls the NPC's towards the player- which would cause them to get involved in the conflict (or run, if they're scared). It could be a 'Power', unlimited or restricted, depending on which is easiest to design.



Honestly, if I had the slightest idea how to make something like that, I'd have made it a thousand times, just because it would be so perfect for role playing... Especially in those no-fast-travel, survival types of playthroughs, with zombies and bandits and monsters and patrols and whatnot creeping around stone wall, relentlessly chasing you, as you run for your life... :smile:


Anyway, I feel like this could be somewhat easy (for those who understand this aspect of mod making), so if anyone has any suggestions or advice (or could make this mod a reality!), please share! :smile:



Thank you...

Neetra :smile: xo

Edited by Neetra
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  • 1 month later...

I would use EFF spell to call relaxing followers i have planted around my player homes.I have Dread Prison and i use 100 cap followers.Insted of dismissing them i just tell them to relax and go off and do my thing.If i get attacked outside i just use the spell followers telepathy spell and choose who i want to come running.

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  • 6 months later...

Wow, I didn't even know anyone replied... Thanks, and sorry for just getting this, I appreciate your responses. :) I must be tracking too many mods and notifications are just lost in the continual 'notifications'... :P Yeah, I'm still no closer to having this mod in my game- I'm just not (currently) the 'scripty' type, I was honestly just hoping that this would be something really easy to make, and that one who has experience and an understanding of those game mechanics would come across this and just 'throw it together real quick' up and say "pfft, that was nothing, you want another one just like it?" :D haha... That would be wonderful. :)


Maybe I'll just end up figuring it out myself one day. :)

Thanks again... :)

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