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CharGen and Preset help (MO)


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I'm using Mod Organizer and Racemenu, but Presets don't work. I've made SKSE/Plugins/CharGen/Presets in both Data, MO Mods, and the Racemenu mod itself. I put my .jslots in the preset folder but when I launch my game and use Racemenu, the presets tab says "CharGen is Unavailable". I have the option to save my characters preset, but no file is found in any of the folders. I have all the required mods and I have tried making my own mods with the .jslots and putting them in the overwrite folder, any other suggestions on how to fix this? (I don't know if this is relevant or not but also my sculpt tab is just a bunch of black GUIs with respective headers, no character face outline or anything)


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