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Question about mods


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Hello, I was just wondering if there was a way to have all your downloaded mods saved onto a profile and then when you switch computers you can all download the mods back to the new computer?

I ask this because I just switched computers and I don't want to download them all back off the internet.


Thanks in advance


-Nigerian Priest (th3123)

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Errrrmmm... In the first sentence you say you want to be able to d/l the same mods again. But in the second sentence you say you don't want to have to d/l the same mods again? :huh:


Anyway, your d/l history is available by going to the files area for the game in question, hovering the cursor over "Files" at the top, and selecting "Download History" at the bottom of the list. :thumbsup:


NOTE: I don't use NMM, (although I have it installed to troubleshoot specific questions) so I can't say if it might be able to assist in your situation.

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What he probably means is that he want to be able to create a profile and then save the mods he's downloaded onto that profile so in the event one switch computers, one could just login to that profile and then have the option to download all the mods in one go. And with the "I don't want to download them all back off the internet", I think he means is that currently, you have to download each mod individually.

At least, I think this is what he means...


An example of how something like this could work would be that you'd have the option to "register" a mod download to the profile and then once you login to your profile with a new computer, you'd be shown a list of the mods you've downloaded. And then maybe there'd be a download-button next to each mod so you'd easily be able to download the mods you want, instead of having to look for them all over again.


I don't think something like this would work so smoothly for a site like Nexus though, but it's an interesting thought.

Edited by Skagens
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