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Installing a stable Skyrim Redone (SkyRe) in 2017 with +50 mods


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Hello Everyone!


I need a little help now, because after a long hiatus started in autumn 2015 I'd like to get back into the world of Skyrim. Then, I was able to create a running/almost perfect Skyrim with SkyRe + another ~50 mods with only minor issues. But now it seems like the modding world has evolved and I need to catch up big time.


My question is: could someone give me a detailed guide regarding on how to install SkyRe succesfully in 2017? It could be the most up-to-date video or a written down one. This request might be a little wierd since there are multiple tutorials on youtube, but for instance Gopher's video was made in like 2013 and does not include WryeBash if I recall correctly.


Topics I'm most importantly trying to find the answers for:

1.) How can you make the ReProccer patch work correctly? Because it needs Unofficial Skyrim Patch master file. But, on the mod page for USP it says it is no longer supported and you should install USLEEP instead. If I install both USP (for SkyRe) and USLEEP with USLEEP overwriting USP, the game itself warns me to uninstall USP because it is no longer supported.


Is there a way to making the ReProccer "want" the USLEEP master instead of the USP one?


2.) What is the correct order now to install SkyRe (SkyRe installation, patching, building bashed patch etc.)


Thank you guys so much in advance! I know I now seem to be a noob, and I honestly feel like one. I was not that bad at modding back in 2015 but building a modded Skyrim with Skyrim Redone feels a little bit tougher today.

Edited by LewisKossuth
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