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Defenses and yet .... why am I doing this?


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.. the only settlement mods I have are those that add furniture - building stuff and such, and I have Settlement Management that allows me to stream-line jobs - beds and such.


I have no mods that effect Enemies and such ....


I re-checked my mods and for the life of me, I have NO CLUE ... as most mods are simply ' add-on ' and weapons and such.


I'm baffled, t/b honest.

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This mod gives you quest markers to see where the attack spawn points actually are so you can build your defenses accordingly. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12032/?


I have that mod .... I will go check to see where it points out " attack spots " ... as to be honest, I did not know this mod would do that.


But I still have an issue if it's IN SIDE - * IF * a settler is at the spot when " open fire " is engaged, they die and I have the whole settlement " mad " at me in no small way.


Oh what a Kobayashi Maru situation!! ... and I'm not even playing Star Trek! ;)

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I do not use Settlement Management but I have read that that mod has created some settlement issues for others.


Others may have better information about that than I do but I do remember reading posts in the forums that this mod may not play nice with other mods and causes a number of conflicts. Try reading the posts in that mods comments section and see if maybe that sheds some light and that this mod could be causing you some issues.


Very often with modding you will have a couple of mods that you would think would not interact with each other, but they do and cause issues in areas that may seem unrelated.

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I do not use Settlement Management but I have read that that mod has created some settlement issues for others.


Others may have better information about that than I do but I do remember reading posts in the forums that this mod may not play nice with other mods and causes a number of conflicts. Try reading the posts in that mods comments section and see if maybe that sheds some light and that this mod could be causing you some issues.


Very often with modding you will have a couple of mods that you would think would not interact with each other, but they do and cause issues in areas that may seem unrelated.


Oh, I know exactly what you are talking about - in Skyrim, back in 2013, there was a Home Mod in Winterhold. Nice little cabin in the snow..... Simple mod, right? ;)


Well west of Whiterun I suddenly had a ' floating mountain ', by the Giant camp. For the life of me, I went through all the OBVIOUS mods and finally went through the tried and true, turn them all off and see. It was indeed the Winterhold House Mod ... and sure enough, even the mod creator had the same issue and did not put it together with his mod, as it was just a simple house mod. He too, turned it OFF and the Floating Mountain was gone. He finally just pulled his mod, as he could not figure out why his mod was doing this?


I'm about at the point, where I'm going to start over - again. I have never had a game that has been so problematic, since I bought it. I even waited till 2016 to get it, hopping - wrongly - that the bugs would be more than not worked out. WRONG!


So in Oct. I just quit ... and figured I would wait until all the DLC's were done, then wait for FO4SE to get ' caught up ' ... boy that team got a serious run for the money with Beth on that ......


I played Skyrim - SE and then decided I was going to stop - wait for the Skyrim SE - Script Extender to get done. I just noticed that it is!!!! :D


But I found I hate this game so dang much that I will not let it win with my hate. My wife just laughs .... cause she knows how I can be after 41 years with me. :) A true saint that one ....


Well enough .... going to just .... fix some dinner for the wife and I. Thanks ....


.. Jj ...

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I've been using Settlement Attacks Beyond and it seems to work well.




I have that mod - had it in my MUST HAVE - since, 6/27/2016.


I am beginning to wonder, based on some late night reading ... if it might be related to - fast travel core spots, that certain mods use?


IE: " Welcome Mats " - " Institute Teleportation " ( FT ) type mods and such and where you place them? I removed 1 mod that used FT type commands and I'm beginning to wonder if I need to remove a mod that uses " Stargate - Ring Transporter ... as I have them obviously placed inside the settlements for ease of travel in emergencies?


I'm wondering if I placed them just outside of the gates, if that might ' cure the problem '??


.. Jj ...

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That is a possibility. I have read numerous times that placing spawn points for your settlements can cause issues too. Very early in the games release I tried placing the vanilla fast travel marker and I would get some funky attacks, or at least what I thought were funky at the time. I then removed those new placed markers and never altered those points again. I did this because of what I was experiencing and what I read about it.


I never had an unusual attack again after that. With that said it was very early in the games release and perhaps a DLC update fixed that, but I stopped using those early and never thought about it again.


If you have a number of mods that alter spawn points that could still be an issue. Seems it was an issue when the game was released anyway.

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That is a possibility. I have read numerous times that placing spawn points for your settlements can cause issues too. Very early in the games release I tried placing the vanilla fast travel marker and I would get some funky attacks, or at least what I thought were funky at the time. I then removed those new placed markers and never altered those points again. I did this because of what I was experiencing and what I read about it.


I never had an unusual attack again after that. With that said it was very early in the games release and perhaps a DLC update fixed that, but I stopped using those early and never thought about it again.


If you have a number of mods that alter spawn points that could still be an issue. Seems it was an issue when the game was released anyway.


... Right now this is where I am leaning ... so I am looking at changing my " FT - Spawn Point " to outside of the given settlements.


I love a good challenge .. I truly do, but right now - I have RL health challenges and I just want the game to be my escape for a few hours ... not be a ' grind ' ... But I will figure this out! :)


Thanks for the feed back!!


.. Jj ...

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If I remember correctly from what I read altering the spawn point at all can cause an issue. Try not adding any spawn points at all and just roll with the vanilla location first to see if that helps.


I don't believe it was where the spawn point was placed, it was just altering a settlement fast travel spawn point at all that caused issues. Good luck and keep us posted if you solve it. That might help a future player with the same problem.

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