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Bad colors on firewoods with ENB after update 1.4


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After updating Skyrim to v1.4 I see very bad colors on firewoods using enb (my WIP config). This has not happened before. the problem is that it seems Bethesda has changed the color of light emitted from the trunks. There's white and yellow light that was not there before, 'cause of this I'm writing this here rather than on the ENB forum. This is very evident when using enb (I also use a filter to slightly increase the saturation), but looking good, can be seen even in vanilla and is very ugly in my opinion. Is there a way to correct this and bring it back as it was before? thanks


I'm using enb v0.102


The image is here



I also use a custom texture for the firewood located here:




I tried to delete those files and use vanilla texures but the problem still remains, so the hitch must be elsewhere.

I also tried to delete the whole "effects" folder :/

Edited by mry81
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