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Mods not working properly


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I recently bought Fallout4 from Steam and 90% of the mods aren't working I have Atomic Beauty on Nude mode and it still shows the default body and underwear and most of the clothing mods when I equipped I have an invisible body any help would be grateful

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Did you make the required .ini changes to enable modding? If not, there's a guide here: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation OR you can just run BethINI and let that handle everything (just remember to tick the "Load Loose Files" box as well, so mods that aren't packed in .ba2s will work right): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4875/?


If that's not the problem, then you probably f*#@ed the installation. Triple-check that the file paths for everything are right (Gopher has a good video on this as part of manual mod installs, as well as NMM installs).

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