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Smithing upgrade


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Hi, everyone!


I know nothing about modding Skyrim, so it may be a stupid request but let's give it a try.


Can someone change the upgrading settings for weapons and armors to be equal if you have 100 Smithing skill perk? Situation would go like this:


I have 100 Smithing skill perk. I crafted an iron, dwemer, orc, ebony, daedric and dragon cuirass. I went to the workbench and upgraded those armors to be equal in armor rating. Iron cuirass has 140 armor rating and the dragon one has 140 armor rating too, and the dwemer, orc, and so on. The same for the light armor, but keep it in mind that those are still light ones. So heavy armor rating is still better than the light armor rating. Again, i see this mod working for the weapon upgrading.


Thank you!

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