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Companion Factions Question


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Hey all. I am learning to make companions and thought it would be interesting to do an intelligent, speaking Deathclaw. Those I've found are either pretty weak or overtly silly. My question is this: Is there a way to have him be a member of the player faction but have pretty much everyone else (save other companions) be hostile to him? It seems to me most people would lose their s#*! the moment they saw a Deathclaw boppin' around their hometown and few would stop to consider he might be friendly.

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This would be a matter of putting this particular "companion" in a faction separate from the "player", and then linking that faction to the "player faction". You would probably then want to make other factions treat your "deathclaw faction" as "enemy". See the GECK page on "Category: Factions" on the different types of relationships and their interactions.



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Useful link, thank you. I'm checking that out now. Another question occures: Would factions set for a follower be immutable or could they change with circumstances. I was thinking, for example, that a given faction might give him a pass if you were idolized by them--the idea being that you are famous and liked enough that people would have heard you have this Deathclaw follower and so would tollerate him as long as he was with you.

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I don't know, but believe that how other factions view a follower depends upon the nature of the Courier's relationship with the follower, and vice versa. Always remember that relationships are two-way: you may be "allied" with them but they might only be "friendly" or "neutral" with you, and this can change over time. Bear the case of "Cass as a companion" in mind. If you do things she doesn't like, she will leave. So the relationships are mutable.


I've not investigated this, but from various comments believe the companions are either in a special "companion" faction or that of the "player". Either could be possible and have different implications. Given you want your "deathclaw" companion to be treated differently than other companions" is why I recommended you put him in his own faction. Then you can build the relationships unhindered by other companions relationships.


Expect you will need to conduct some experiments. For instance people seem to be unsure if "fame" and "infamy" reputation are tracked separately or are merely thresholds on the same continuum between -100 and +100, with 0 = neutral. The console "setReputation" command suggests the latter exists for both, but there seems to be evidence of a requirement to only make incremental changes of only 5 points at a time. As I said, it's muddled.


If you make a systematic study of these relationships, keep notes and let us know.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Useful link, thank you. I'm checking that out now. Another question occures: Would factions set for a follower be immutable or could they change with circumstances. I was thinking, for example, that a given faction might give him a pass if you were idolized by them--the idea being that you are famous and liked enough that people would have heard you have this Deathclaw follower and so would tollerate him as long as he was with you.

you can script it to change using various "conditions" for lack of a better term.

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