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NPC removed from location keeps spawning - Help?

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Hey all, so right now I'm making a mod that involves a cave, so I duplicated Virgil's cave and removed everything inside of it. Problem is, when entering the cave, a copy of Virgil and 1 of his turrets (that I'm absolutely sure I remember deleting) is still there! Checking in the CK I see absolutely nothing left, although I do get certain masterfile errors when loading the file, one of which being Masterfile: Unique ActorBase *Virgil's info* has more than one reference in the world. Data access when unloaded my not work correctly.


When I actually check the actors themselves, both forms of virgil (human and mutant) both show they only have one reference, and I've confirmed that his spawn points are gone in my new cell, why does he keep coming back? How can I fix it?


(By the way if this is in the wrong section I'm real sorry and will get to the right one if someone tells me where to go)

Edited by nikashubaiton
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Wow I didn't even specify, my bad. Weirdly enough I duplicated the duplicate, and the issues went away. Not sure how that happened

when duplicating make sure you use FO4edit and remove anything you dont want before using it especially location specific data and npc's etc...

I usually open CK and go to the location..then copy what i need and place it in a test/dummy location and work on it there ..and finally use it in my mod BUT you still have to clean it after .


If its a building or any type of structures make a S.C.O.L and when you place it and are ready...then fragment it so it loses its data and gets cleaned by itself in most cases.

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Wow I didn't even specify, my bad. Weirdly enough I duplicated the duplicate, and the issues went away. Not sure how that happened

when duplicating make sure you use FO4edit and remove anything you dont want before using it especially location specific data and npc's etc...




Just seconding this. Don't ever assume that CK is just going to give you the clean file you need. It's light years better now than it was back in the FO3 GECK days, but still: trust but verify. Check out each record in FO4Edit and delete what you don't want.

Edited by Greslin
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Also remember - when duplicating the cell, you'll need to change location / zone references for it, if its using the old cells zone / location and the npc's are sent to a 'location' for placement they may end up in your duplicated cell rather then the original.


Remove any of the location keywords from objects in the duplicated cell as well, the auto keywords being the most important to remove, if you leave them, they can cause all sorts of wierd stuff to happen as a quest may accidentally link to it (had this happen once, took me forever to figure it out). Adding them afterwards via a quest is fine, but leaving the existing ones can cause problems.


I've actually gotten into the habit of rather then duplicating, creating a new cell, going to the cell that I "would of duplicated", selecting only the objects that I want to copy (from the cell view objects list NOT render window) then edit, copy, go into the new cell, then edit paste in place. Saves me alot of time and headache in the long run trying to find that one little thing thats screwing everything up.


Big thunder storm rolling in, time for me to exit for awhile.. Cheers, hope it helps.

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just wait 10 days somewhere far from this cave., it will reset npc and markers, then come back to check )

or u can use another character's save, it must work too )


also npc can be placed as marker, so load ur cave in CK and press 'm' to check markers

Edited by JagMaker
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