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Alteration Extension/Upgrade


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well its as simple as the topic title, i can make 3D models and what not so this is not particularly my area unless someone can tell me otherwise


alteration needs an extension, it needs to be upgraded, theres some much room to grow under the area of alteration magic


I was thinking along the lines of spells like:


Assembly: aim at an object to tear it apart and anyone near by takes damage from this.


Magnetic Levitation: force items/people to float around the appointed area rendering them unable to attack user and user unable to attack aswell

-perhaps even force other spells in the area not to function


Triple Point: A strategic spell that requires one to cast 3 times to then create a perimeter in which everything besides the user is slowed in the perimeter for XX amount of time


Slow Fall: Wouldn't you love testing out your reflects while jumping down a huge mountain and hopefully casting right to not die? i would too


Jump Boost: lets jump higher shall we?


This is just a small list of things, please post on this topic your opinions of this idea and let me know if anyone has experience with special effects of this sort and coding abilities


I know to implement these things we need the CK which should be out on Tuesday but I'm sure there are things we can work on before that time.

Edited by DreamCodex
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