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Oblivion Music in Skyrim


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Is this easy to do for yourself? I obviously own both games, but I have no experience what so ever with modding of or messing with files, so I don't know how to do it for myself.


I assume it wouldn't be allowed to be posted as a mod on Skyrimnexus, because of stupid copyright stuff? Is it simple enough so that someone could simply tell me what to do?

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You can easily put it under Data/Music/Sounds as mp3 files. You can also script them so they aren't louder then everything else. No copyright issues.
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You can easily put it under Data/Music/Sounds as mp3 files. You can also script them so they aren't louder then everything else. No copyright issues.


Alright, got the 3 songs I want, and copied them. I went to skyrim/data/music and created the folder "sounds" there, and put the 3 songs in it, I'll try it out now.


But what was this about scripting it?

Edited by lemmiwinks321
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The music will be louder then it should be. You can script it to make the sounds set to not overpower (too loud) everything.
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