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Making Jaal bi


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thanks! i used that version and manually found and replaced the files with no issue but then when i try to run mea it doesnt open, it only shows up as a background process in the task manager?

edit: im going to do a clean install of the game overnight just to make sure all that is how its supposed to be and try it again tomorrow

Oh, I'm pretty sure I know what that is, and it shouldn't require a clean install. Maybe you'll see this before you start that...In the newest version of WV's MEAExplorer there should be a "AnselSDK64" folder. copy those two files into your main MEA directory, and it should work. (Hopefully)


ok! i didnt see this before i started the install but i did that, re-downloaded the MEAexplorer version you linked and the latest download of the romance mods and put the ansel files in place and went in and replaced the files manually again and it works flawlessly now! thanks so much for all your help, and for the mod!!!!!

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Title says it all. I'm looking into ways to mod / make Jaal romanceable for Scott Ryder. How can I make this happen? Any advice from modders here? I'm not going to wait for Bioware to get their arse in gear.


Let me explain: I was really looking forward to his character. Lexi and Peebee bore me. We've had asari romances before, same with turians. I don't care what the individuals are like, they are still from the same races we've already seen. And no one goes into Mass Effect wanting only to romance humans - so Cora and Gil are out. Gil is handsome and fantastically funny!!, but let's face it, Jaal has a monocle. A monocle!


Anyway, back to my original question. When do you think a mod to romance Jaal as a maleRyder will be out? I only ask because I know there are mods for changing Cullen, Dorian, etc.


Scott Ryder to romance Jaal:



You are definitely a savior for many people here (btw, why not place your great work on Nexus?) but can I bother you with one more thing? Complete romance unlock. I mean the possibility to romance multiple companions in one PT. Specifically I would love to see Reyes romance as a free addition to any other romance (he is bi anyway, so does not require any other work then unlock). Is it possible?

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It's definitely possible. I even found some rel_not_committed_to_other files in the conversation stuff. You would just have to find the specific romance flags in each file and nullify 'em. This tool is great for finding flags. I snooped in the kadara_hub stuff for a little while and couldn't find one for Reyes, though, to be honest, I didn't look too deeply.


The big issue with multiple romances would probably be scenes like movie night and the meridian thing...the game would either choose one LI for the scene, crash and explode, or you would get multiple overlapping lis taking up the same space. (Actually that sounds fun and potentially hilarious. I hope it's the last one...)


And I'm not posting on the nexus because this is very messy...I'd prefer to wait until I get things more user-friendly (or for someone else to--if anybody gets a .meamod working for romances from these files, post away, no credit necessary). I've just posted more of a tutorial than an actual mod, anyway...


And I'm probably going to disappear into the shadows for a while now. Newly orphaned puppies are gonna take precedence over modding...

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All the luck with your puppies! This is sure is a priority above all.


But should you happen to find that flag (since Reyes does not appear anywhere other than Nexus after finale it has to be one simulated unlock?) - would be happy to hear about :)

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