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Skyrim Mods Gone! Please Help!


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So I logged back in to the nexus mod manager for skyrim after like a year and every single one of my mods and groupings are just gone. There is just a completely blank page under the mods tab; the plugins see to still be there though. Its weird because i have not even had the hardrive plugged into my motherboard with all the nmm files and downloads, so i have no idea why it would have been deleted.


Whenever i startup skyrim the mods still work and everything in the game, i just have no idea why they are in the game but appear to just not be on my hardrvie anymore, im so confused. I am POSITIVE i did not delete anything.


...I wouldn't care about re downloading them if i knew what they were, as i said i have not played in like a year and forget what i had. The only ones i really care about are the ones associated with my character because i spent HOURS making it and if i have to restart im just going to be a sad panda.


Is there any way you guys are aware of to get the mods back? Or is there even somewhere that has a list of what mods i downloaded? If i bought a premium account would it have like a profile that has all my mods i subscribed to so i can re download them...or are they just gone forever because of reasons?


Any help or suggestions will be mush appreciated


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't even use NMM anymore. It is so easy to just download mods, follow the simple directions and download w/out using NMM. Then, I just move the bsa and esm files to the Steam Data Folder. I have copied my Steam Data Folder

to my desktop, so everything is super, super-simple.

Try it, you'll like it.

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