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Dawnguard Quest problem


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Back in the day when i played on the 360 i was doing a quest for the Dawngaurd where you killed a vampire in a cave near Whiterun, when i went there i could not find him. It took me about a week to figure out he was actually under the map; he must have glitched under there somehow. I could not go back in the saves to reset the quest so this is what i did. I got outside the map using the same technique when you are trying to get the secret chest under Whiterun, when there i just walked under the map since the rest of the map is not loaded in. I walked all the way over there and i slew his ass. I dont know for sure if this is the same problem you are having but it sounds similar to what i experienced-an mpc glitched under the map. If you are playing on the console, this is what i would try. However if you are on the pc, im sure their is a much more simple way to go about solving it, i would look at a list of console commands.

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I am on PC. I will try the console command. When this happens, all further quests with Fort Dawnguard come to an end until this quest gets fulfilled. Florentius gave this quest....and when I go to Gunmar or Sorine....they just say Florentius has a quest for u. I have to have a fix. Thnx

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I tried tcl (toggle collision) so i could go below or above the map. He isn't there... anywhere I looked. Why can't there just be a "delete quest"? Or even a reset quest? I'd have to have some sort of ref id, right? Even to do setqueststage? Some1 out there knows how to fix this. I'd have to go way back to get a save b4 this happened...plus the intended victim was a follower I no longer have. Help me, plz lol

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