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Nexus isn't installing mods correctly.


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Solved: Had fo4 installed on hdd and ssd, mods where being installed in the wrong directory.


Update: looks like I can't install any mods manually either??


Since I started playing fo4 again, last week, I haven't been able to install a single mod.


- I've updated NMM from 0.63.3 to 0.63.13

- I've tried running NMM as admin

- I've made sure new plugins are enabled in both NMM and the plugins.txt file

- NMM does in fact correctly uninstall mods


This is an issue with all mods, whether they have an esm or not. Even simple texture replacers aren't being installed. When I look at the plugins list in game, none of the new mods are listed, even though they are in fact on the plugins list on NMM and the plugins.txt file. Is there additional step to installing mods that's now required?

Edited by binaryoutbreak
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I also have a similar issue. I download mods just fine, but some mods just won't install. Like today, I was able to install the Mosin Nagant, but I still have trouble installing Nightstrikers, Crafting Fury 9000 GTX, and certain texture mods.

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The latest versions of NMM (from the last few months actually) are really bad about not properly installing and activating mods. Unfortunately they've also stopped supporting it while they work on a new one from scratch. I suggest either switching to a somewhat older, more stable version of NMM or switching to Mod Organizer 2 which has recently started receiving support again with a new developer.

Make sure you also followed the ini file instructions to enable mods, this also enables the game to be able to use loose files. It's easy to forget this step in a full re-install because you only have to do it once. I've forgotten myself. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation

Mod Organizer 2 is pretty stable and works well, it's what I use. The only issues Mod Organizer has is that it is a little more prone to crash when using external apps like FO4Edit, LOOT, and the Creation Kit. Thankfully though it's more annoying than showstopping. The crashing usually happens when exiting one of those programs and thankfully the crashing seems to happen after whatever changes you made were saved. Even more thankfully, since Le Presidente took over development the exit crashing with other apps has significantly reduced.

Guide to Mod Organizer (made for an older version but generally still applicable): http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Mod_Organizer

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Here's the weird thing. It's not a fresh install of fo4, it's the same one I've been using since release. All my old mods work fine, and I can uninstall them, but I can't install anything new. When I try to manually install a mod, the files are in the correct location, but the game just isnt recognizing that. It's almost like the game is running from a separate directory, but I know I only have it installed in the default steam location.

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The difference is that NMM switched to a different installation method late last year which uses a very badly done form of virtualization. It's no longer actually installing files in the data directory, it's installing links to the actual install files in the data directory which point to the files located elsewhere. If you didn't reinstall all the mods you had from before NMM changed the way it installs, then you're currently trying to get NMM to recognize mods installed in different locations using different methods. I'm not surprised it isn't working. You're most likely going to need to remove everything, switch to the older stable version of NMM and reinstall all your mods. Or you if you absolutely must have the latest version, you're still going to need to remove everything and reinstall. Then get used to a bunch of them not installing correctly and manual double checking to see which files are missing when your mods don't work.

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As damanding mentioned, 0.61.21 seems ok. Been using it without a hitch for the past few months. Woulda used MO2 (I use MO for Skyrim and love it) but, at the time, I thought it had trouble with FOMODs. Learned about a week after installing NMM that there's just some settings to adjust or something to get MO2 to work fine with FOMODs.

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