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Body Slide help for noob


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Im fairly new when it comes to modding. Recently downloaded a few mods including CBBE and body slide. I noticed that after I downloaded body slide, my skin is like dirty/not there? I've run the game with just CBBE and things seemed fine, but then I needed body slide for another mod. After installing, my character's skin is like not there/ doesn't seem to have a mesh? idk what they call it haha. Like i said before I'm fairly new and the body slide mod seems pretty confusing, so any help would be great thanks!



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Looks like a texture issue. Try reinstalling CBBE. If you use any additional body textures, reinstall them after CBBE. Also make sure you got the latest version both of Bodyslide and CBBE.

Thanks, I'll try that. I tried reinstalling CBBE and got denied access to the CBBE file. So probably need to wait a bit before reinstalling, but for now it's disabled and I can't delete the file just yet.

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