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How to prohibit the use of a particular suit for use with power armor.

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I want to allow this only for some costumes, like Armor_BoS_Knight_Underarmor or maybe for naked player/NPC.

Can't find it in the properties of armor/suit. Maybe Instance Naming? And it's not Enchanting (I tried it), or I missed something.

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I have been studying the Power Armor system for a couple of weeks now. From what I can tell, much of it is hard coded...sadly. However, if you notice, there are power armor frames in the Armor section of the Fallout esm. There is also a keyword associated with each of these armors that say use<PAx> where the name of the power armor replaces <PAx>. This use keyword can be added to various armor pieces, such as the vault suit. If you look at the vault suit armor, you will notice it has this use keyword attached. This tells the system which of the frames to use when changing to the power armor race. The only other way to achieve the effect you are wanting to try is through scripting. The only example of this I have found is Unique Power Armor Frames. Hope this helps.

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add the keyword to the power armor suit / armor called 'blockplayeractivation' this should stop the player from being able to use the suit / armor. if its a armor piece, if you untick 'playable' the player shouldn't be able to remove it from the suit / npc that has it equipped. They can still replace it but not remove it. if you do make it a unplayable object, you may want to test and make sure the player can't pick it up as well, the blockplayeractivation keyword should keep them from being able to pick it up i would think, sense it will stop them from entering doors, opening containers and the like.

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As an extra peice of information, if I remember correctly, NPCs won't use power armor owned by a faction they aren't in. So if you wanted it to only be usable by certain NPCs (though it doesn't stop the player) you can try that.

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