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Dynamic Weapon Spread


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I'm currently creating a dynamic weapon spread mod, where your spread starts out very low on the first shot, and then increases if you a) hold down the trigger on a full auto weapon, or b) fire rapidly with a semi-auto weapon.


If anyone has any tips or ideas I would be glad to hear them.


Also if a mod like this allready exists, that would be the best news of all!

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I'm currently creating a dynamic weapon spread mod, where your spread starts out very low on the first shot, and then increases if you a) hold down the trigger on a full auto weapon, or b) fire rapidly with a semi-auto weapon.


If anyone has any tips or ideas I would be glad to hear them.


Also if a mod like this allready exists, that would be the best news of all!



give a look on this



maybe is perfect ,but probaly have room to improve

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give a look on this



maybe is perfect ,but probaly have room to improve


I use it and like it a lot. This would be something to use in addition ;)


EDIT: nvm, I just noticed that's a different one from what I use, and how it adds spread as well. Thanks, you may have just saved me a lot of work :)

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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