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Npc tintmasks disapear after editing him in creation kit


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Hey i need help.

I'm new to modding and tried my hand at editing an npc's face today. I made a face in ECE and then put it on farkas for testing.

When i look in Creation kits preview screen he now looks like this.

http://img00.deviantart.net/a74d/i/2017/097/9/8/knipsel_by_fay_andromeda-db4ysw0.pngSo here's farkas new shaven shiney pointy face. His runny mascara untouched, i only removed the dirt of his face. He looks exactly as i want him to.

Now this is what he looks like in the game.

http://orig14.deviantart.net/acc3/f/2017/097/c/0/screenshot2_by_fay_andromeda-db4ytg5.jpgHis warpaint is gone! I've been trying to fix it on my own all day, i tried to look up if someone else fixed it but nobody seemed to have the same problem as me.


I don't know if it's because this mesh was originally made in ECE or because creation kit has a problem.


I really don't know what to do anymore so if any of you do know, thanks in advance.

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