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Thee Arrow to the Knee


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Today I'd like to request a mod. ( obiosly )


This mod will be for an archer shop added to the ragged flagon in riften. This shop should be called “ an arrow to the knee". I should have bows of all types plus 64 of each kind of arrow. It should have a smith in the back in a separate room to. And be run by a Kajit named “ DredEvil ". He should also sell 5 elixirs of health and stamina. He should also sell most daggers and some enchanted light armour.


That's about it. Should be simple enough.

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DredEvil does not sound like a Khajiit name at all, and early access to the most powerful arrows would not be good. An archery shop in the Ragged Flagon is not a bad idea though, but maybe the arrows available should be based on the player's level...
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